Tuesday, 26 January 2010

McDonaolds - Whos lovin' it?

I am having to write this blog to meet the deadline as I am having problems uploading my video blog due to video size, however I shall upload asap.

Orwell was massive on advertising. So with my Orwellian mind I decided to look at McDonald's advertising campaign 'I'm lovin' it'.

Basically they are saying that everyone loves McDonald's. Do they? Do we? Do we love MacDonald's? Well apparently so. If that is the case explain this....

McJob - slang for a low-paying, low-prestige job that requires few skills and offers very little chance of intracompany advancement.

Well obviously the McDonald's workers are not lovin' it are they? So that's a lie. So who is lovin' it?The people who eat there perhaps ? Well who does eat there? Depressed obese people? Well they certainly are not lovin' it. There must be someone who is lovin' it. Kids! When they get their happy meals they are delighted! But when they realise they have not got the toy inside the box they wanted it all end in tears and they are no longer lovin' it.

So is McDonalds lying by claiming that "i'm lovin it". Well if you ask me (and it would appear anyone else) then yes! No one is 'lovin it'!


Even in the advert they are not happy. But what are they doing hear? This advert sends me to sleep! It is like a lullaby. What are we supposed to be lovin'? The food ? The people? The only part in this advert that I was lovin' was the music and the fact it only lasted 40 seconds!

Anyway, I am beginning to digress. The point is I do not think that a lot of people are lovin' McDonalds. Even if they are...what is they are lovin' ? Well heres one fact for you....McDonalds, I'm definitely not lovin' it

Saturday, 9 January 2010

orwell orwell orwell

Let me start off by saying this was a really good read. George Orwell shows how the government try and control the nation simply though manipulative language. He says how the government believed that if they removed a word from our vocabulary that it would remove the action its self. For example, if you remove the violence, there will never be any more violence.

The book 1984 focuses on the character of George smith who works for the government, censoring newspapers to erase what had happened in the past. Hence the phrase “he who controls the present, controls the past , he who controls the past controls the future. “ In the book they produce a new (tiny) dictionary known as newspeak. Word meanings had been changed such as ‘love is hate and peace is war.
Now to me, this is all a load of rubbish. How could this ever possibly work? It is clear that it does not work. It has been tried before and has failed. I mean just look at the UK. We try to remove racist words from vocab. Sure we can do that but does it solve the problem of racism? Of course it doesn’t. Unfortunately racism still exists. As for word change, well you’ve the ministry of defence for that one! Used to be called Ministry of war, and now defence. What exactly are we defending? Was the word war too violent?
I don’t think I’ll ever get my head round what the purpose of doing such things, its all a bit crazy for me!

A Freud Dog!

I believe there’s a bit of Freud in all of us especially dogs and especially my dogs! How I hear you ask? Well it is simple. Freud says we are all motivated by sex. That it is our natural instinct. For a dog what is life all about? That’s right, eating and humping! They will hump anything that walks or talks or anything that they can straddle.
Now Freud claimed that we are not who we really think we are due to society suppressing us and damaging us. Now for a dog, society is not telling them anything. In other words a dog is what it really is. So when you see a dog, you can be assured that the dog is showing its true colours doing what it wants, how it wants, when it wants. It is not being told how to live life. But, and there is a but, what if the dog has been castrated or neutered? The dog is no longer motivated by sex because they no longer have the urge for it. Therefore Freud would argue that the dogs has been
We can go even further with this with Freud’s work ‘On the analysis of dreams’ again relating it to dogs, my dogs. Freud said that the human brain consisted of two parts. The conscious and subconscious and that it was when these two half’s conflict causes emotional unhappiness. Freud described dreams as the royal high way to the subconscious. Now I believe that I can see all of this is my dogs. Let me give you an example. I don’t normally watch my dogs when they sleep, but this one night, Chester, my younger dog was barking while he was asleep. At first I found this amusing to watch but then I began to think. Obviously he is dreaming, but I believe that his conscious and subconscious parts of his brain were conflicting and there for causing emotional unhappiness. I knew he was unhappy as when he woke up he was very quiet which is extremely unlike him. So bad dreams lead to bad moods. Now whenever I see my dogs twitch while they sleep or suddenly do something strange in their sleep, I know thanks to Freud it’s because their conscious and subconscious are conflicting.

Friday, 8 January 2010

Thoughts on Joyce!

Now unfortunately I’m one of those readers who when reading a book can drift off a little. I can read up to 10 pages and then completely forgot what I’ve just read due to lack of concentration. So i endlessly find myself reading the same pages over and over again and as you can imagine, not a great reading style for James Joyce’s book Ulysses. I had estimated to myself that I could finish reading it within three days or so. Two weeks it took. Two weeks! Now that I’ve finished the book I can safely say that I didn’t understand any of it! But that is the point is it not? Well perhaps not, but it’s not the plot which I feel that was important but more Joyce’s writing style. Writing in the stream of consciousness is what made this book very confusing but also very interesting. Despite not really understanding everything I read, I did manage to pick up the fact that the book shows the same event from different people’s minds to show how we all react different in different situations.
Joyce was a massive icon for modernism. His work also reflects the ideas of Sigmund Freud. For example when Molly Bloom talks about love and men she says “he was as good as any other”. This humanises the characters, and as Freud says we are all motivated by sex. So really Joyce is relating to his readers bringing it to a human level.
I’ve got to admit, its an extremely clever way of writing. If I was to shut my eyes and write in the style of stream of consciousness it wouldn’t work look.....
Wait why is that there? Ha nice. The red plastic, oh look, that good isn’t it. What? Ok stop now.
Now that was purely what was going on in my head for those few seconds. Imagine 300 pages of that?
However despite the book taking me a while to read I did enjoy it. A very interesting writing style, something I have never experienced before.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Could I ever make money ?

Me and my money making techniques

Now let’s be honest; we are all motivated by money right? Well perhaps not but I sure am. Normally when I’m involved in something, it’s because money is involved. I've tried many different money making techniques in my time and if I’m brutally honest, I am rubbish at it. But as they say, you can only improve, or at least that's what I thought.

I have always been driven by money, ever since I was fat little baby. (Not that fat) At the age of 5, I set up my own shop, which was located in my bedroom. I would sell anything I could find in the house. I would normally go for the items I knew my mum liked the most as that way she would just have to buy it back off me. Being only 5, I wasn’t aware of the items real value, so I saw most of my products going for 1 or 2 p perhaps 3p if I was lucky. So right from the beginning I was a smart thinker...sort of.

The shop didn’t last long, small businesses never do. However I didn’t let ot get my down and at the age of 10 I started cleaning my dad’s car for £3. This is where I started making real money. £3 a week plus £2 pocket money? I was raking it in! And because I didn’t really need to spend money at that age I saved a lot very quickly! I felt like a money making machine!!!

As time went on, so did my age. I got taller, my hair grew longer, got a dog, fed the cat, got another dog, everything was going on, and it was chaos! While all this was happening, I realised my money in my bank was no longer going up, but it was going down! Now I’m a journalist and this was news to me. I needed to make money, but right now my life was too hectic! I didn’t have the time. So I needed to find some way of making that money but with minimal effort. That’s when I welcomed myself to the world of eBay.

I didn’t really have anything to sell, I just liked the idea of it. However, as I browsed the many many pages of eBay, I finally found the perfect item for sale. It was only, 0.99p, free postage and packaging, it was irresistible. Product title “How to get rich quick” Item description – “want to make money on eBay without doing or selling anything? Then buy this and I’ll send you an email telling you how to do exactly that” Now I’ve been known as a bit of a bargain hunter and my god, was this a bargain! Basically, looking back, I am an idiot. Of course I was not going to get rich quick was I ? Anyway I received the email as promised and this is what I read “Congratulations. Now to get rich, simply create a listing like mine, Thank you purchasing” I have been officially conned. Never the less I wanted to get my 0.99p back. So I did create my own listing of “Get rich quick”. I didn’t sell a single copy. Surprise surprise. Anyway, I could go on and on, so I will. Being conned, then failing to con anyone myself was terrible. I had taken a big hit in the money making world.

I felt like running away. Make a fresh start elsewhere in world of money making. So I did. I took a different approach. I created my own website with Google ads didn’t I? Yeah I did! I didn’t make much money on this, but it was a start! I had finally made money online!! And it only got better! I was back on eBay, selling real household items. Then I moved on to be an affiliate for Amazon. And now I am drop shipping on eBay. It has been a massive journey. It has been emotional, tense, dramatic but most of all it’s been fun.

There have been other ways in which I have tried to make money online and failed, I could go on and on about them so I will....joking joking!