The famous philosopher Wittgenstein once said " If a lion could talk, we would not understand him." A fascinating statement, but what does it really mean? If a lion could talk, why wouldn't I be able to understand him, even if he was talking in English? If a lion was to open its mouth and say " I like to eat meat, feed me food" I am pretty sure that I would understand what he wants. However, Wittgenstein seems to have looked into this a little deeper than I obviously have. I don't think that I could explain exactly what he means by this statement, or even know, however I am happy to attempt.
I feel that if Wittgenstein was to make a point about any of this, it would go something a little like this...maybe...perhaps...
If a lion was to talk, we would not be comprehend as its referencing would be so far removed it simply just wouldn't make sense. We should be careful not to personify the lion as a human being for it has mind of its own and sees the world in a completely different way to us. I believe Wittgenstein point is that the lion would not open its mouth and say " I am hungry, give me food" for that is a lion talking with a human mind. If a lion was to talk with a lions mind, we as humans would not be capable of communicating or understanding.
Despite all of this, I still like to think that when I'm at home and my dogs look up at me with their adorable puppy dog faces, I know they want feeding. And then they come bouncing into the room with their leads in their mouths, I know they want walking. I believe that if my dogs were to open their mouths and begin talking to me, that I would be able to have a fully understandable conversation with them.
brilliant! just pure genius!