The election night,
So i get back to my house and put on my shirt, ready to be a TV star, or a round up guy, which ever you prefer. I made sure my hair was tidy and smart (not possible) and that my shoes were nicely polished.
So how did it all start? Well with a can of red bull to be frank. Then I was straight onto the computer gathering information, scanning for any extra information that I could add in. Frantically typing away as quick as my little fingers would allow, I altered my script preparing for the live round up. Then as the clock struck 9.55 pm I hit print...but disaster! No paper! none anywhere! so I ended up using my original script with scribbles and pen markings all over the place for the first live round up. So off I went into the MMC to go on camera. The most nerve racking part was not going on camera, but having only the length of the intro VY (8 seconds) to swap over the radio microphones. scary stuff, especially as I dropped mine on the first hand over. In a way sort of like a relay race in the fact you have to hand over the baton! sweaty hands, slippery radio mics, it was mad! After that it was back to the news room to type up my next script for the 11 o clock round up.
Not many people were in the news room. There was more milk than anything else which I must say was getting increasingly warm. This was a big concern of mine as I don't really like tea and coffee, I'm more of a milk man. However I couldn't let this distract me now, I was doing well on my second script and it was approaching the 11 o 'clock round up.
Aswas walked back into the MMC, the scent of hard work was more evident in the air. The smell of the sweat oozing out of everyone's body dominated the oxygen. I didn't want to hang around and so I didn't, I decided to suss out the gallery and see what was going on. Now I thought the MMC was bad, but when that gallery door opened I probably lost a couple of stone with the heat wave that hit me. Better than any sauna I've ever been in. Nevertheless the gallery all seemed to be in control. Everything was calm and everyone was working well as a team. So I left back to the news room where I was greeted by Tom giving a very energetic and enthusiastic live news update.
good - can you do a recording of this - maybe cutting it together with some audio of the recording of your actual output on the night.