Sunday, 15 March 2009

The Creators

Forgive me if this blog goes wrong....its 3.45 am. So I'm going to talk about Whitehall...sort of. I don't really understand all that much about it to be honest so ill keep it short and sweet.

From what I learnt in the lecture is that basically Whitehall runs the country.( A big road in London with lots of government buildings.) They decide...everything. That's what I think anyway...please correct me if I'm wrong.

After thinking about this for a while I began to wonder...who controls Whitehall? Anyone? Anything? I decided on the Queen just so I could stop arguing with myself. Then I asked the question again....who is in charge of the Queen? There could only be one answer and one answer only....GOD!

When googling to see if the God was the queens boss, I stumbled across a guy named Bertrand Russell. He said that every thing that exists needs a cause. So if God exists something must have made him but who created God? If you take this my view you will just keep back forever, so theres no point really...might as well stop at God. But to bring this whole blog to somewhat of a logical ending...someone had to create Whitehall..but who? So something has to run Whitehall whilst Whitehall runs our country. I'm going to stop now...beginning to confuse myself..let alone you poor readers!


  1. Whitehall runs the country (it is in effect the Queen) but since the end of the civil war and especially after the Act of Settlement can only do so with the consent of parliament (Westminster). The Queen's boss is indeed God, and she claims to hold her position 'by the grace of God'. There's a very, very big God element to the Monarchy. I also found out years ago (I can't remember the source now) that HM Queen claims to be descended from Wotan (on perhaps her father's side) and Prometheus (possibly on the mother's side) - how's that for Friends Reunited.

    I found this out because I am happy to accept that HM Queen is legitimate (though who knows what her father got up to with Fitz this and Fitz that) because her father was King, and his father was a king (or at least a prince, and so and so on all the way back to.... monkeys and before that lizards (there's more sense to David Icke than meets the eye) and before that just molecules and what have you.

    So how did it happen that at the time of the Big Bang that this or that hydrogen atom had the potential to evolve via lizards, Wotan, Rumplestiltskin, etc, into HM Queen.

    Beats me.

    So the British state (Monarch/Whitehall) officially thinks that it is doing whatever it does (eg repairing motorways, opening clap clinics, bombing Afghanistan, etc) because this is what God in a very general way wants.

    On Bertrand Russell you've got hold of the old 'prime mover' problem - better known as "what came first? - the chicken or the egg".

    By the way, how you gettin' on with your acting career?
