Monday, 23 February 2009 you love me?

Before I start I would just like to point out that I don't really agree with what I am about to say in this blog.

OK, I'm going to try and keep this as simple as possible...which should be too hard as I'm quite a simple person! But my question today do we know?

So the first big word is "empiricism". The attitude of having to see before you believe. The second word in the equation is "a priori" which is basically the opposite of empiricism. I'm not sure if the next paragraph is going to make much sense but it does to my head.

Empiricism is the theory of knowledge (according to wiki), the use of science to prove something. But what if something cannot be scientifically proven? For example, our parents have always told us they love would hope so...but what if our lives have been one big lie? An a priori way of thinking would of course be to believe that our parents do love us. How do we know?

Another crazy pointless over the top example I am going to use quickly is the existence of places we have never been. If we have never been somewhere, what evidence do you have that that place actually exists? Sure you seen pictures or read about it but that could be pictures of anything. To take it even further...just because I've sat on a plane for 24 hours and landed in a place called "New Zealand" who's to say this is New Zealand ? I could be anywhere. To me, this is a stupid way of thinking....some people can't help but take empiricism to the next level!

Reading this blog back to myself...I appear to have confused myself and realise how silly it is! But never mind....that's how I work!

Saturday, 21 February 2009

Get Paid to Blog!

OK, this is just a quick blog telling you guys that you can get paid to blog. I have only just singed up to it but it seems to be pretty good.

How it works is simple. You blog, they pay...if your blog is accepted. When you create your account you will be asked to submit your blog URL. Advertisers can then contact you and ask you to write a blog for money. I wont go on about it any more but if this does interest you, click on the link below, sign up and read all about it!

Monday, 16 February 2009

Politics.......what a load of monkeys!

I’m not little, neither am I blue, but I am a man....I think. And the same goes for Charles Darwin. Now, I'm not much of a monkey boy, but Charles Darwin had to be a smart guy. I like him. That’s all I’m going to really do in this blog, talk about monkeys so if that bores you - stop reading now.

Now we all know that Darwin came up the theory of evolution. The idea that we have all evolved from monkeys. As we evolved, you would have thought that we became smarter...right? We would like to be able to say that we are smarter than the monkey hanging in the tree. But how much smarter are we? Can a banana eating, tree swinging, tail hanging, fury animal outsmart us as humans? Well even Darwin himself once said "An American monkey, after getting drunk on brandy, would never touch it again, and thus is much wiser than most men." Ok, so he might be having a little go at just the Americans here, but I think it’s in all of us!

Of course we are more intelligent than monkeys in the sense that we have done stuff, like build houses and we know how to fly planes and drive cars. However in the monkeys defence, we can’t swing from tree to tree or hang off a tree with one arm whilst eating a banana at the same time. This takes some skill and for this reason I admire the monkey and its tree skills.

So we can see that humans have brains yet monkeys have talent, which brings us to the question...who would win a knife fight between a monkey and a human. Now remember the monkey would have trees and branches to use in its defence. I guess it would depend greatly on the size of the monkey. The average ape is stronger that the world’s strongest man, so if he got hold of him, he would just rip him to pieces. However some apes only have four fingers, so would struggle to hold a knife correctly. Well shall leave you guys to ponder over it and picture a monkey using a knife...makes me laugh every time!