This is just a thought...however its a blog.
I've often thought about this thought many times before, but after the lecture on Thursday it really got that thought going again.
I'm slightly scared to share my thought at the risk of you thinking im rather weird but I'm sure you do already so I may as well. And I just thought, Ive used the word thought quite a lot already....well that is just because I have put a lot of thought into this blog.
Anyway, that aside here goes..
Now when I was a lot younger I always used to try and imagine not being alive. But I never could. It was a too big a thought for my little brain. I could not comprehend what not being alive would be like. I still can't although I can create a slightly better picture in my mind of what nothingness might be like in my eyes.
Try taking this one stage further, what if your parents didn't exist, what if no one ever existed, what if the world did not exist. What would there be. Fact -at one point billion and billion of years ago there was no form of human existence and earth did not exist. And before space? Well Einstein would argue that there was literally nothing as time did not yet exist. The question I am asking is what is nothing? Well I suppose that nothing is nothing, something we would not recognise if we saw it, or be able to describe it. Its the whole idea of the obelisk from 2001 space odyssey.
Anyway I am very aware this may not make a lot of sense. But if you were to listen to someone who had seen nothing then described 'nothing' to you, I'm sure it wouldn't make a lot of sense either.
The fact is we will never know what nothing is like. I suppose its like being dead.....maybe?